118″ Wide Backing, White Muslin

$5.50 Per 1/4 meter

Good fabric for backing or background for a pictorial quilt. This is a good, strong cotton that holds it’s shape in washer and dryer (meaning it doesn’t shrink or shift when washed).

If you want to avoid the hassle of seaming the back of your quilts, extra wide backing fabrics are the ticket! This size is perfect for Queen and King-sized quilts.

COST SAVINGS: By using wide backing fabrics for the back of your quilt instead of seaming 44-45″ fabric, you can save your hard-earned money. For example: a king-size quilt measuring 100 x 100″ only needs 2.83 yards of 110″ wide fabric. If you choose 44-45″ wide fabric, you’ll need 8.375 yards. For comparison, purchasing 44-45″ fabric at $12 a yard costs $100.50 for 8.375 yards of fabric. Purchasing 2.83 yards of 110″ wide fabric at $19.85 is only $56.17. THAT’S A COST SAVINGS OF $44.33!!!

43 in stock

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