Gearing up to quilt Becky’s pinwheel quilt. Also: Babies.

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My family is funny. In my last post, I showed the finished quilt for my aunt and her new baby. My aunt is my age, because my mom is her oldest sister and this aunt (Tammy) is the youngest. So it works out. 😀

Well. Tammy also has older children. Old like mine! So her oldest is newly married with a new baby too! Thus a quilt for both mom and daughter with their new babies.

And my son and his wife had a baby this year too – so my grandmother got a new grandchild, great-grand-child and great-GREAT-grandchild all in the same year. And within 6 months of each other. 😀

So. Becky’s quilt.

No idea how to quilt it other than FAST and maybe something to show motion around the pinwheels. It’s bright and cheery, just like Becky.

Ideas anyone?

THe pinwheel sare all 30’s repro prints, sashed by yellow gingham. The backing is blue gingham and I’ll bind it in red gingham. (Between my mom and I we have a ton of gingham.)

6 thoughts on “Gearing up to quilt Becky’s pinwheel quilt. Also: Babies.

  1. I love pinwheel quilts and it IS bright and cheery:) I would outline the pinwheels and do a squiggly line in the sashing. If you get to crazy with the quilting, it won’t be soft and cuddly for the baby. OR, a big scale of zippling would look nice too! I might even consider hand quilting big stitches with that pearl thread in the sashing. It would go pretty fast on a small quilt like this. Oiy, so many choices! Can’t wait to see what you decide!

  2. Oooo, I almost forgot too much quilting would make it stiffer. We definitely don’t want it heavily quilted. :-/

  3. I like big cirlces on a baby pin wheel, to give it motion…………

  4. Why not cover the surface with a large scale Matrix?

    Just large scale wiggly lines running diagonally across the blocks. Just check your batting to make sure you can leave the lines that wide apart. If you can, then you could just run the lines diagonally through the blocks and be done in a couple hours.

  5. Oh I did not see that one – easy AND gorgeous. 😉

  6. Looks adorable! I’m a total sucker for 30’s repros.

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