Time to clear out some space in here with the new fabrics showing up!
First up, we have the remaining bolts from Northcott’s Sail Away line. This gorgeous digitally printed lines in soft blues, sandy beiges, and stunning cobalt was a huge hit in shop everywhere. Maybe you have a bit left and are wondering how to use them up in a new project, or maybe you are finishing up a project and need just a bit more.
Here’s a shot of what we have left. At $10 a meter, I’m sure it will be gone soon!

I dug a little deeper and found we have some left of Feathered Nest. It’s almost pussy willow time again, and hiding in the panel shelves was more panels from this line! I marked the remaining panels down to $10. There’s even a couple of patterns.
This is also priced to clear out at $10/ meter. With soft blues and greys, browns and tans, I’m sure you have the perfect project to fit.